Anxiety-related disorders affect a huge segment of our population -40 million adults.
Anxiety is an emotional state characterised by a sense of insecurity, unspecified discomfort. It is a set of emotions that make you feel anxious before something stressful. It can be taking an exam or making an important decision, but anxiety disorder is an entirely different beast. It’s an umbrella term that includes different conditions. There are clinical anxiety disorders like social anxiety, PSTD, and OCD, as well as everyday anxieties like trouble sleeping, tight deadlines, and fear of flying. In response, numerous drugs have been developed to treat anxiety-related disorders. While these drugs can be effective for many patients, some don’t respond favorably. Some patients don’t see improvement, or they can’t tolerate the side effects.
A number of studies show that our oils can treat a wide range of issues, including general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Researchers validated patients’ subjective reports by performing brain scans showing cerebral blood flow patterns consistent with an anti-anxiety effect. Participants reported significantly less fear, findings supported by objective anxiety indicators like heart rate and blood pressure.
Our products can help for nervous and immune function, and in the same way, probiotics aren’t just for people suffering from digestive disorders. It is not just for sick or hurting people. It’s for anyone who wants to be proactive about their long-term health. A number of trials on human subjects show that taking drops does, in fact, help reduce heightened levels of restlessness and stress. The placebo group presented higher fear, cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert levels when compared with the control group. Eighty percent patients said that cannabis products are effective. The results are certainly promising.
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